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2012.09-2016.07 bat365在线平台水文与水资源工程专业,本科

2016.09-2021.07 bat365在线平台水文与水资源工程专业,博士


2021.12至今 bat365在线平台,博士后



“十四五”国家重点研发计划项目 水库群调控影响下多尺度来水广域信息挖掘与预测预报技术(2022.11-2026.04,专题负责人

国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 变化环境下水文模型参数时空二维演变识别与驱动机制(2023.01-2025/12,主持


[1] Zhang Xiaojing, Liu Pan. A time-varying parameter estimation approach using split-sample calibration based on dynamic programming, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2021, 25(2): 711-733.

[2] Zhang Xiaojing, Liu Pan, Cheng Lei, Liu Zhangjun, Zhao Yan. A back-fitting algorithm to improve real-time flood forecasting, Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 562: 140-150.

[3] Zhang Xiaojing, Liu Pan, Zhao Yan, Deng Chao, Li Zejun, Xiong Mengsi. Error correction-based forecasting of reservoir water levels: Improving accuracy over multiple lead times, Environmental Modelling & Software, 2018, 104: 27-39.

[4] Zhang Xiaojing, Liu Pan, Cheng Lei, Xie Kang, Han Dongyang, Zhou Liting. The temporal variations in runoff-generation parameters of the Xinanjiang model due to human activities: A case study in the upper Yangtze River Basin, China, Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies, 2021, 37: 100910.

[5] 张晓菁, 刘攀, 周丽婷, 谢康,刘伟博.考虑水文模型参数时变的水库水位多预见期实时预报——以水布垭水库为例[J].水利学报,2023,54(04):426-438+450.

[6] Liu Pan, Zhang Xiaojing, Zhao Yan, Deng Chao, Li Zejun, Xiong Mengsi. Improving efficiencies of flood forecasting during lead times: an operational method and its application in the Baiyunshan Reservoir. Hydrology Research, 2019, 50(2): 709-724.

[7] Zhou Liting, Liu Pan*, Zhang Xiaojing*, Cheng Lei, Xia Qian, Xie Kang, Xia Jun. Improving structure identifiability of hydrological processes by temporal sensitivity with a flexible modeling framework. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 616: 128843.

[8] Zhou Liting, Liu Pan*, Gui Ziling, Zhang Xiaojing*, Liu Weibo, Cheng Lei, Xia Jun. Diagnosing structural deficiencies of a hydrological model by time-varying parameters. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 605: 127305.

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