2006.09-2010.06 bat365在线平台水文与水资源工程专业,本科
2010.09-2012.06 bat365在线平台水文学及水资源专业,硕士
2012.08-2016.12 美国亚利桑那州立大学土木环境与可持续工程专业,博士
2017.01-2019.07 英国剑桥大学应用数学及理论物理系,博士后研究员
2019.08-2023.08 中国香港大学工程学院机械工程系,助理教授(博士生导师)
2023.09-至今 bat365在线平台,教授(博士生导师)
(1) 中国香港研究资助局(RGC), 优配研究金(GRF), 17208021, 包含防护口罩的人体热应力预测预警系统研发, 2021-10 至 2024-09, 65万元, 在研, 主持
(2) 中国香港研究资助局(RGC), 杰出青年学者计划(ECS), 27208220, 高密城市热岛效应和湿岛效应的协同作用研究, 2020-08 至 2023-07, 60万元, 结题, 主持
(3) 中国香港大学, 以能源安全和人类健康为目标的气候变化预测与适应研究, 2019-08 至 2022-08, 96万元, 结题, 主持
(4) 中国香港大学, 城市环境中植物-大气的交互作用机理研究及应用, 2020-05 至 2022-04, 24万元, 结题, 主持
(5) 中国香港大学,防护口罩对人体热调节与呼吸调节等的协同作用机理, 2020-08 至 2021-07, 10万元, 结题, 主持
(6) 英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(EPSRC), 中英合作项目, EP/N009797/1, 基于气候响应和建筑耦合的低碳城市供暖供冷方法与机理研究, 2017 -01 至 2019-07, 674万元, 结题, 参与
(7) 英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(EPSRC), 重点研发项目, EP/N010221 /1, 绿色城市大气调控机理研究, 2017-01 至 2019-07, 3517万元, 结题, 参与
(8) 美国国家科学基金会(NSF), 自然科学基金, CAP3: BCS-1026865,美国亚利桑那中心城区动态环境可持续性研究, 2010-12 至 2018-11, 3784万元, 结题, 参与
(9) 美国陆军研究实验室 (ARL) , 基础研究, 降雨期间地表温度的快速变化机理:基础与启示, 2014-09 至 2016-12, 228万元, 参与
(10) 美国国家科学基金会(NSF), 自然科学基金, CBET-1435881, 太阳走廊的可持续城市发展:通过耦合中尺度气候模式WRF-城市地表建模寻找工程替代方案, 2014-09 至 2 016-12, 189万元, 结题, 参与
2020至今 国际标准化组织“ISO/TC163”香港特区专家观察员
2020至今 香港特区政府“屋宇署扩大委员会”学术专家委员
(1) 国家优秀留学生奖学金, 中国国家留学基金委, 2017
(2) 最佳博士论文奖《Urban microclimatic response to landscape changes via land-atmosphere interactions》, 美国美华海洋大气学会, 2017
(3) 国家级高层次青年人才, 2022
Song J*, Huang X, Shi D, Lin WE, Fan S, Linden PF (2021). Natural ventilation in London: Towards energy-efficient and healthy buildings, Building and Environment, 195, 107722.
Song J, Fan S, Lin W, Mottet L, Woodward H, Davies Wykes M, Arcucci R, Xiao D, Debay J-E, ApSimon H, Aristodemou E, Birch D, Carpentieri M, Fang F, Herzog M, Hunt GR, Jones RL, Pain C, Pavlidis D, Robins AG, Short CA, Linden PF (2018), Natural ventilation in cities: the implications of fluid mechanics. Building Research & Information, 46(8), 809-828.
Song J*, Wang Z-H, Wang C (2018). The regional impact of urban heat mitigation strategies on planetary boundary-layer dynamics over a semiarid city. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 123(3), 6410-6422.
Song J*, Wang Z-H, Wang C (2017). Biospheric and anthropogenic contributors to atmospheric CO2 variability in a residential neighbourhood of Phoenix, Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 122, 3317-3329.
Song J, Wang Z-H, Myint SW, Wang C (2017). The hysteresis effect on surface-air temperature relationship and its implications to urban planning: An examination in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning, 167, 198-211.
Song J, Wang Z-H (2016). Diurnal changes in urban boundary layer environment induced by urban greening. Environmental Research Letters, 11(11):114018.
Song J, Wang Z-H (2016). Evaluating the impact of built environment characteristics on urban boundary layer dynamics using an advanced stochastic approach. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 6285-6301.
Song J, Xia J, Zhang L, Wang Z-H, Wan H, She D (2016). Streamflow prediction in ungauged basins by regressive regionalization: a case study in Huai River Basin, China. Hydrology Research, 47(5), 1053-1068.
Song J, Wang Z-H (2015). Interfacing the urban land-atmosphere system through coupled urban canopy and atmospheric models. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 154(3), 427-448.
Song J, Wang Z-H (2015). Impacts of mesic and xeric urban vegetation on outdoor thermal comfort and microclimate in Phoenix, AZ. Building and Environment, 94, 558-568.
Huang X, Song J*, Wang C, Chui TFM, Chan PW (2021). The synergistic effect of urban heat and moisture islands in a compact high-rise city, Building and Environment, 205, 108274.
Du R, Song J*, Huang X, Wang Q, Zhang C, Brousse O, Chan PW (2022). High-resolution regional modelling of urban moisture island: mechanisms and implications on thermal comfort, Building and Environment, 207B, 108542.
Shi D, Song J*, Du R, Chan PW (2021). Dual challenges of heat wave and protective facemask-induced thermal stress in Hong Kong, Building and Environment, 206, 108317.
Huang X, Song J*, Wang C, Chan PW (2022). Realistic representation of city street-level human thermal stress via a new urban climate-human coupling system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 169, 112919.
Huang X, Song J* (2023). Urban moisture and dry islands: spatiotemporal variation patterns and mechanisms of urban air humidity changes across the globe. Environmental Research Letters, 18,103003.
Wang C, Song J, Shi D, Reyna J, Horsey H, Feron S, Zhou Y, Ouyang Z, Li Y, and Jackson R (2023). Impacts of climate change, population growth, and power sector decarbonization on urban building energy use. Nature Communications, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-41458-5.
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